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Poetic Terms/Literary Devices

Lukas Sherman

Literary devices and poetic terms.

Sonnet Poetry that does not have a set rhyme scheme.
Antonym Giving human qualities to non-humans (animals, objects, ideas).
Theme The distincitve way that a writer uses language.
Irony The message or point of a work.
Rhymescheme A poem that tells a story.
Refrain Poetry in play form, like Shakespeare.
Homer A writer's choice of words.
Mood Two words with opposite, or nearly opposite, meanings.
Rhythm The voice talking to us in a poem or story.
Setting A technique that involves contradictions or contrasts. It can be verbal or dramatic.
Dialogue A speech by one character, usually in a play.
Extendedmetaphor The conversations that characters have with one another.
Alliteration A poem that expresses a speaker's thoughts or feelings.
Poetlaurete A comparison that does not use like or as.
Symbol The repetition of the same sounds at the beginning of words.
Metaphor The use of sound words such as bang, buzz, pow.
Monologue The repetition of the sounds to link words, such as bat
Dramatic The rhyme pattern that a poem follows.
Style A comparion using like, as or than.
Haiku A musical quality based on repetition.
Stanza A Japanese 3 line, 17 syllable poem.
Synonym A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or artwork.
Freeverse THe place and time in which a story or poem takes place.
Couplet A metaphor that continues throughout a poem or song, such as "Strange Fruit."
Onomatopoeia Two words with the same or similar meaning.
Ballad The offical poet of the United States
Poe Person, place, or thing that represents something beyond itself, like a flag.
Tone The author's attitude towards the subject or audience.
Diction A phrase or a stanza that is repeated throughout a work.
Lyric Two rhyming lines of poetry.
Figurativelanguage Language used in poetry based on imaginative comparisons that is not literally true.
Imagery Language that appeals to the senses.
Narrative A paragraph of poetry.
Rhyme The author of "The Raven."
Speaker The feeling a piece of literature is intended to create.
Simile A song that tells a story.
Allusion A 14 line poetic form often used by Shakespeare.
Personification The Ancient Greek poet who wrote "The Odyssey."

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