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Poetry Terms Crossword

Miss Humen

No description

meter the repetition of consonant sounds in a series of words
stanza the pattern of stressed and unstressed sylables; the beat
assonance using language to create a sensory experience
ballad the words of a lyrical poem(such as ballad, sonnet, or ode) or song
oxymoron criticizing something by making fun of it
internal rhyme language that imitates sounds
quatrain a stanza containing four lines
alliteration language that uses figures of speech to modify the literal meanings of words
metaphor bestows human characteristics on anything non-human
figurative language the comparison two unlike things using like or as
iamb rhyme that occurs withing a line of verse
iambic pentameter the pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in poetry
rhythm five pairs of iambs making up one line of poetry
rhyme a figure of speech that usues extreme exaggeration
lyrics the repetion of sounds at the ends of words
personification a metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable and one unaccented syllable
simile combines two words with opposite definitions
sonnet a poem that recounts a story
imagery two successive lines of rhyming verse
onomatopoeia a grouped set of lines in a poem
cinquain a short, unrhymed five-lined poem with a 2,4,6,8,2 pattern
couplet a poem that consists of 14 lines with the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG
hyperbole unrhymed verse in iambic pentameter
satire a play on words
blank verse the comparison two unlike things
haiku a Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines with a 5,7,5 pattern
pun the repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds in proximate words

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