Free Verse | | unit used to measure rhythm |
Alliteration | | group of lines seperated by a space |
Concrete Poems | | a comparison of two unlike objects not using the words like or as |
Rhyme Scheme | | poem that tells a story |
Onomatopoeia | | a comparison of two unlike objects using the words like or as |
Imagery | | repitition of stressed and unstressed syllables |
Blank Verse | | poetry written unrhymed |
Meter | | repitition of vowel sounds |
Refrain | | appeals to the senses |
Simile | | use of words that imitate sounds |
Personification | | words that describe the 5 senses |
Rhythm | | Japense poem about nature |
Rhyme | | rhyme formed at the end of a line |
Haiku | | extreme exaggeration |
Stanza | | giving humanlike qualities to inanimate objects |
Metaphor | | pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables |
Assonance | | expresses thoughts and feelings to a certain person |
Lyric Poetry | | repeated group of lines |
Narrative Poetry | | no fixed rhyme or meter |
Foot | | repitition of beginning consanant sound |
Hyperbole | | repitition of sounds at the end of a line |