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The Odyssey Crossword Puzzle

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Cicones Goddess who helps disguise Odysseys as well as aiding him while killing the suitors
Furies Blind prophet of Thebes who Odysseys needs to consult in order to reach home
Eumaeus One of the three dangers in which Odysseys was to face; lured sailors by their voices
Helios Disguise Odysseys uses when reaching Ithaca
Polyphemus Author of The Odyssey
Lotus Three terrible spirits who punish those whose crimes have not been avenged
Odysseus King of the winds
Telemachus Odysseus' father
Antinous Site where Odysseus' rebellious men were killed after enslaving the women and butchering the sheep
Bed The son of Odysseus
Athena Land of the dead
Beggar Arrogant leader among the suitors
Laertes Site of the Trojan War
Sirens What did Odysseys say his name was when the Cyclops asked?
Tiresias The cattle of whom Odysseys and his men were not supposed to feast upon
Hades Who kills Antinous?
Troy Object Penelope uses to test if the beggar is really Odysseus
Aeolus Old swineherd and friend of Odysseus
Nohbdy Name of Cyclops
Homer Plant that Odysseus banned his men from tasting

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