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The Odysseus: An Epic Corssword Puzzle

Andrew Twomey

All words used in this crossword puzzle have been derrived from various parts of The Odyssey.

Odysseus Home of Odysseus.
Beggar Number of Odysseus' men claimed by Scylla.
Troy Father of Odysseus.
Eurylochus Alias used by Odysseus (when asked his name by the cyclops).
Nhbody Second of Odysseus' captors.
Scylla Penelope's servant.
Polythemus Odysseus' wife.
Elpenor Where Odysseus began his journey home.
Charybdis Laertes son.
Eurynome Origin of the Lotus-Eaters
Circe Sea monster whom Odysseus and his men defeat.
Twenty Scylla's realtionship to Charybdis.
six Length of the Trojan War (in years).
Penelope Person who coaxed Odysseus' men inot slaughtering the animals.
Calypso The God/Goddess who morphed Odysseus.
Poseidon Name of the Cyclops that Odysseus battled.
Argus Suitor of Penelope.
Athena The second (familiar) person Odysseus met in the Underworld.
unburried Weapon Peneople's suitors could not sucessfully string.
Sirens Elpenor's fate.
Antinous The cyclop's father.
Land of the Lotus-Eaters Type of animal that Odysseus' men slaughtered.
Bow Son of Odysseus.
Laertes Group of people who lure others on to their island through song.
Lotus-Eaters Stage of his son's life when Odysseus was summoned to war.
Helios Odysseus' loyal dog.
Zeus Author of The Odyssey .
Six The plant which Odysseus' men were lured inot eating.
Lotus A title given to Odysseus.
Ten Captor of Odysseus.
Mother The first (familiar) person Odysseus met in the Underworld.
Infancy The sea monster that Odysseus and his men avoided.
Cattle Drugged members of an island.
Homer Where Odysseus went to seek is fortune.
Tiresias What Odysseus was morphed into (disguised as).
sister Number of years it took Odysseus to finally return home.
Telemachus God/Goddes who strikes Odysseus' ship with lightning.
Epic Hero Number of heads/necks Scylla has.
Hades Owner of the slaughtered animals.
Ithaca Prophet who helped Odysseus.

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