six | | Achaeans row to what Island |
tiresias | | What form does Hermes aproach Odysseus in |
pigs | | Who is the first soul to appear to Odysseus |
one | | Aiolos presents Odysseus with a bag containing |
antiphates | | Who refuses to help Odysseus after they are blown back to Aiolia |
tiresias | | Odysseus witnesses whos punishment |
sisyphos | | Who tells him how to get passed the sirens |
one | | What blind prophet does Odysseus have to talk to in hades |
ogygia | | What god is asked to punish the men |
Zues | | Circe turns Odysseuses men into what |
wind | | What herb does Hermes tell Odysseus to eat to protect him from Circe's drug |
laistrygonian | | What beautiful goddess do they meet on Aeaea |
moly | | They have to navigate the strait between what two monsters |
ten | | Who updates Odysseus on whats going on in Ithaca |
circe | | How many sailors die from Scylla |
beeswax | | Where does Circe tell Odysseus to sail in order to go home |
sirens | | How many days do they sail in till they see Ithaca |
youngman | | Who tells Odysseus about his murder |
scyllaand charybdis | | Where does Odysseus end up |
agamemnon | | The winds bring them back to |
anticleia | | How do his men servive the sirens |
elpenor | | On Laistrygonians lives a powerful race of |
aiolos | | How many ships make it out of the harbor of Laistrygonian |
lostacontest | | What obsticale does Odysseus have to face on his way home |
aiolia | | Odysseus sails to the river of the ocean in the land of |
giants | | After Laistrygonian what land do they travel to |
eurylochos | | Why does Ajax kill himself |
aeaea | | Who fortells Odysseuses fate and reveals to him why Possidian is mad at him |
circes | | King of the giants |
slaughtercattle | | Who persuades Odysseus to stop on Thrinacia |
hades | | How do the men disobey Odysseus |
cimmerian | | How many men servive the storm |