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The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages and "The Pardoner's Tale"(includes vocabulary)

SirThomasMalory pretended
peril example: Oh, where ha'e ye been, Lord Randall my son?"
satire searched through and robbed
adroitly physically or mentally skillful
timorous Sir Gawain and the ___
Pardoner Medieval period in British Literature
anonymous subject of Morte d' Arthur
SirBedivere into parts or pieces
Green Knight common theme of folk ballads
feigned Canterbury Tale with theme: "the love of money is the root of all evil"
folkballad doing what is right
KingArthur legendary sword of King Arthur
ThomasBecket the repetition of key phrases in a ballad or poem
interred pleaded, asked or begged
hoary song-llike poem that tells a story
righteous buried
asunder the author of most early British folk ballads
directaddress "Get Up and Bar the Door" is more ___ than the three ballads
death author of The Canterbury Tales
largesse knight who is hesistant to throw Arthur's sword into the lake
ransacked conversation in folk ballads (or any literary work)
pilgrimage author of Morte d' Arthur
dialect form of language used by people from different regions
BarbaraAllan "The Twa Corbies"
GeoffreyChaucer gray haired and wise
MiddleAges danger
entreated literary device used by Chaucer to poke fun at people's flaws or weaknesses
humorous fearful or timid
refrain purpose for characters going to Canterbury
excalibur Archbishop of Canterbury was was murdered
dialogue nobility of spirit
tworavens which ballad focuses on the pain of lost love or love that is not returned

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