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King Arthur-The Sword and the Stone-Study Guide

Miss NaTasha P. Bellow

Identify the key terms, key characters or key information. Write your answers in the blocks provided in the puzzle.

humble number of times Arthur had to pull the sword from the stone
proclamation father of Sir Kay; adopted Arthur
ambitous wild; disorderly
crest gathering of people
chafed meekness; humility
indignation a shield composed of a field, symbol and motto makes up your Family
arrogant noble King of Britain
congregation an old story passed down through generations; based on historical facts
Uther sorceror for King Uther
Three blood-related son of Sir Ector
life son of Uther Pendragon and Lady Igraine
Ector unity among a group
turbulent most obvious characteristic of Sir Kay
accolades public announcement
tournament series of contests
Arthur honesty; uprightness
solidarity happens day to day; can change frequently
coronation path set forth from the time of birth to death
archbishop quality that Arthur possessed
modest ceremony for crowning a king
legend annoyed
destiny quality of all the men who wanted to be king
Kay words of praise
integrity righteous anger
Merlin highest ranking bishop of the church

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