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Kayla Dodway

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Hamlet What is the setting (place)?
Reynaldo Who is the last character to die in the play?
Ready and willing to die What is the setting (time)?
In the grave Why is Hamlet sent to England by Claudius?
Yorick What century was the play Hamlet was written in?
17th century Who says "The lady doth protest too much methinks."
Tragedy of Hamlet How much time has passed between the death of King Hamlet and the remarriage of Gertrude to Claudius?
Wittenburg What was the place that Hamlet was written in?
Osric How does Ophelia die?
Gertrude Why does Hamlet decide not to kill Claudius after the players' play?
Poison in the Ear Who says the first line of the play?
Bernardo Who escorts Hamlet on the voyage to England?
Stab with poisoned sword Who returns Hamlet to Denmark after his exile?
Hamlet Whose skull does Hamlet discover in the churchyard?
Denmark Which of Claudius and Laertes' traps for Hamlet succeeds in killing him?
In love with Ophelia What university did Horatio and Hamlet attend?
Fortinbras Whom does Polonius send to France to spy on Laertes?
Marcellus How does Laertes die?
Drowns Who killed Fortinbras father?
Claudius is praying How did Claudius kill King Hamlet?
Hamlet's Father Why does Polonius think Hamlet has gone mad?
England Where does Hamlet and Laertes fight during Ophelia's funeral?
Two Months What is Hamlet trying to decidein his "To be" soliloquy?
group of pirates Who is one of the characters that sees the ghost of Hamlet's father first?
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern What is the full title of the play "Hamlet?"
To be killed Who poses as a military threat to King Claudius at the play's beginning?
London Who says "Madness in great ones must not unwatch'd go."
medieval period In what country do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern die?
Claudius Who is the protagonist?
poisoned sword Who tells Hamlet that Laertes has challenged him to a duel?

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