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End of Fallen Angels Review

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same made three copies of a letter he wrote to his wife
profile instead of saying "home" characters often said they were going back to the ...
world Dongan was in the ____________ war before Vietnam
latrine in the end, when the cong had an american surrounded they didn't fire at him because they were waiting for the ...
gearhart only female main character to die
squad what did they do to soldier's bodies that they didn't send home
alpha Perry received two ______ ______ for being wounded in combat
harold name of their barracks/dorm
hero highest rank in the military
ptsd newspaper that soldiers read was called "__________ and ________"
korean what city is Perry from
richard who replace Sgt. Simpson
battalion Perry fears that when he returns home people (esp. his mother) will expect him to be the...
water first main character to go home unharmed
starsandstripes in the last patrol, where are the cong hiding
general in the end, cong had this character surrounded
burn what city is Peewee from
dongan the _ _ _ _ were vietnames soldiers that were on the same side as us
chicago what is Perry's first name (full name)
arvn soldier's ID number is written on their ...
hooch what is Gates' (Peewee) first name
simpson Monaco and Walowick both were suffering from _ _ _ _ (seeing things that happened in the past)
judy in the end, the dr said Perry should have never been in combat because of his medical _________
tag soldiers uniform is called
chopper name of company Perry belongs to
harlem Perry hesitates writing to his brother because he doesn't want Kenny to think he's a ...
purplehearts smallest military group
monaco another name for bathroom
fatigues largest military group

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