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Canterbury Tales Vocab Crossword

Mrs. Liwag

This puzzle combines words from The Canterbury Tales and from A History of the English Church and Nation.

agility painstaking; hard-working
renounce showing religious devotion and piety
zealous refined behavior; elegance
effectual unrelated to religion
frugal a show of contempt; scorn
aspire to express in another language or form
devout careful with money; thrifty
dispatch to complain; fret
accrue an ability to move quickly, easily; nimbleness
profess to postpone
mode to strive to attain
courtliness pleasing in behavior and appearance
malady in a composed, dignified manner; calmly
render promptness; efficiency
disdain to come as gain; acculmulate
prudent able to produce a desired effect
diligent to give up or reject
secular standing out above others; high-ranking, prominent
sedately a current fashion or style
repine to violate the sacredness of
defer to claim belief in or allegiance to
desecrate to handle skillfully
eminent disease or disorder; ailment
personable showing wisdom or good judgment
wield filled with enthusiasm; eager

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