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Analysis of Literature

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Personal Any extended fictional narrative almost always written in prose
Essays The body of the letter discusses some type of business transaction or information in a formal tone
FolkTale The person telling the story
Fable Characters can display their personalities through these
Time Literature written in lines and stanzas
Antagonist The hero or main character
Allegory A written or printed message addressed to a person or organization
ScienceFiction The body of the letter discusses feelings or experiences of mutual interest to the sender and recipient
Setting A written work in which scientific facts, assumptions, or hypotheses form the basis of adventures in the future
Romance An opponent or rival of the hero
Short Story A story told in action and dialogue by actors who perform as characters
Fantasy A story varying in length from 500 to 15,000 words
Myth Dramas written for movies or television
Legend The narrator tells the story from the "I" point of view
Fiction Writing intended to inform the reader of the facts and details surrounding current events
Protagonist The background for the action of a story
Dialogue An imaginary person that appears in a literary work
Business A narrative writing drawn from the imagination rather than from history or fact
Novel Conversation between two people in a story
Videos The story of a person's life written by that person
Drama A story with supernatural characters and events
Newspapers Daily habits of characters
Character A humorous tale common on the North American frontier
Epic A story that takes place in an exaggerated world with bizarre characters in it
PointofView The story is told from the perspective of one of the characters whose information is restricted to what he sees, hears, and feels
GeneralEnvironment The writer tells a story describing characters as "he", "she", or "they"
Poetry A narrative in which the objsects, persons, and actions represent meanings that are outside the story itself
TallTale Written works describing exotic places, remote locations, heroic events, and passionate love
Letterstotheeditor Documents published periodically which contain information about topics of current interest
Place Brief articles by authors who share their opinions and reflections about current issues
Formal A story associated with some period in the history of a people or nation
Firstperson A formal letter following specific rules
Thirdperson A simple story set in the past; contain animal, human, or superhuman characters
Limited A notice that calls attention to a product or service
InformationalArticle Other types of documents published periodically which contain information about topics of current interest
Letters The perspective from which a writer tells a story
Advertisement The story of a person's life written by someone else
narrator When the story occurs
Mystery Where the story occurs
Actions A long narrative poem in elevated style presenting characters of high position in adventrues, always with a heroic figure
Description A work in which the characters face a problem which is seemingly beyond explanation
Biography A brief tale told to point out a moral
Autobiography Correspondence in which readers of magazines or newspapers provide input by writing to the editor
Magazines Through the narrator of a story, the author can describe a character's physical features, dress, occupation, personality traits, and thoughts and feelings

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