strength | | What Parsons is arrested for |
bigbrother | | The ministry that runs the lottery |
newspeak | | Where Winston first commites thought crime |
london | | Author's name |
airplanes | | An inner party member |
fiction | | Winston's neighbors |
peace | | Where Julia and Winston first meet |
thoughtcrime | | Main character |
plenty | | The lowest class is called |
brotherhood | | What the party claims to have invented |
proles | | Ignorance is _____ |
five | | The department Winston works in |
telescreen | | War is _____ |
obrien | | Organization against the party |
picture | | What the telescreen was behind |
georgeorwell | | The department Julia works in |
records | | Where Winston lives |
rats | | _______ Week |
slavery | | Enemy of the party |
julia | | ______ Gin |
syme | | Thought ______ |
comrade | | Winston's wife |
blackberry | | Winston's lover |
martin | | O'Brien's butler |
police | | Leaves for subsitute tea |
katherine | | The shop where Julia and Winston stay |
charrington | | The ministry where thought criminals are kept |
parsons | | Winston's friend |
hate | | What do they make winston believe 2 2 equals |
paddington | | How they adress each other |
winston | | What Winston is afraid of |
chocolat | | What winston stole from his sister |
love | | Freedom is _____ |
goldstein | | The language Oceania |
diary | | Leader of Oceania |
victory | | What watches citizens of Oceania |