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Wills Terms

Mary Walsh

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Intervivostrusts After an estate has been probated, the debts of the decedent are _____________.
UniformProbateCode The probate court decides questions of law and fact concerning the ____________of a will.
Payableondeath Documents authorizing a personal representative to act for a testate estate.
Executor An estate planning professional must take care to avoid this.
Homicide Amends an existing will.
Causation Revocable and irrevocable __________ are will substitutes.
Absolute Elective share and Community Property are transfer limitations providing __________.
Executed As between property passing by will or by intestacy, intestacy is the ____________.
Abated The ____________attempts to standardize and streamline probate laws and processes.
Intestate The UPC intestacy scheme for distributing equally among decendants employes the per capita ____________ approach.
Interpretation The property that passes under a will is the ____________.
LifeInsurance One way to prevent failed gifts is to make a ___________.
ClassGift A written document disposing of a person's probate property at death.
Administrator The laws of ____________determine the distribution of property when there is no will.
LettersofAdministration _________________ is an example of a payable on death arrangement.
Fiduciary In order to avoid probate, a decedent must take __________ steps.
SpousalProtection A personal representative has a __________ obligation to the estate.
Intestatesuccession If there are not enough assets in an estate to make all gifts, some gifts must be ___________.
Codicil The estate remaining after specific and general gifts have been distributed.
Residuary Grantor.
Lapse Extrinsic evidence may be allowed to establish the ___________ of the testator.
Disclaim The personal representative of an intestate estate.
Will In order to have testamentary capacity, the testator must know the ____________ of her bounty.
Testator Occurs when a testator doesn't realize that he is signing a will.
Default A decedent who dies without a will is said to die __________.
Settlor One of the duties of an Executor is to collect and ________ the decedent's assets.
Devise A joint tenancy arrangement is one way to avoid ________.
LettersTestamentary Documents authorizing a personal representative to act for an intestate estate.
Synonymous In order to be valid, a will must be propertly _________.
Inventory A decedent who has a valid will at death.
InsaneDelusion A defect in testamentary capacity.
UndueInfluence An arrangement that is not subject to probate is known as a _______________.
Revocation When a beneficiary decline a testamentary gift, he is said to _________the gift.
WillSubstitute Probate may be avoided through an arrangement with a ______________ clause.
Probate An approach to intestate distribution under common law.
ProbableIntent A trust bifurcates legal from beneficial ownership.
Beneficial If a beneficiary predeceases the testator, a gift to the beneficiary is said to __________.
Extinguished The gift, by will, of real property.
ProbateEstate A cancellation of an existing will.
Perstirpes Even if a defect in capacity is proven to exist, a contestant must ultimately prove ___________ in order to successfully challenge a will.
Naturalobjects The personal representative of a testate estate.
Fraudintheexecution A testator's right to distribute his property is not ____________.
Affirmative The probate estate is not ____________ with the taxable estate.
Ateachgeneration _______________is a bar to taking the decedent's property.

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