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What is Criminal Justice?

Marcia Bedard

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booking perspective of criminal justice that assumes the system's components work together to achieve justice
consensusmodel rights guaranteed by the 5th,6th,and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution
commission means fail to perform an act
civiljustice means the crime was committed
justice group of jurors who hear the evidence to decide if there is enough evidence to bring the person to trial
crimecontrol a formal, written accusation
individualrights examination in court of fact and law to convict or acquit
conflictmodel writ issued by judge directing law enforcement to make an arrest or conduct a search
USAPatriotAct ideal that links our understanding of fairness and cultural beliiefs about right and wrong
crime first appearance before the court that has the authority to conduct a trial
protect guaranteed by the first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution
criminaljustice fairness, moral equity
trial includes the perfomance of activities--detection, arrest, prosecution, etc.
indictment a part of social justice concerned with fairness in relationships between citizens
warrant involves procedures and activities having to do with the enforcement of criminal law
consecutive perspective of criminal justice that feels the components are primarily functioning to serve their own interests
publicsafety law passed by Congress that broadened the investigative authority of police agencies
socialjustice Individual Rights Advocates want to ______________ personal freedoms within the process of criminal justice.
bail sentence in which sentences run one sentence after another.
arraignment sentence in which sentences run at the same time
probablecause official record--involves identifying the person, place, and time of an arrest
dueprocess emphasizes individual rights at all stages of justice system
dueprocessmodel used to guarantee the individual's appearance in court
concurrent model of justice that emphasized the efficient arrest and conviction of offenders
omission Public-Order Advocates believe that _________ ______________ takes precedence over individual rights
administrationofjustice violation of criminal laws
grandjury set of facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a specific person has committed a specific crime

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