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Electronic Law

J. Solari

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searchwarrants A "device" under T-III is anything other than the _______ ______.
private Cell phone calls are __________ communications
alteration A warrant to search a computer does not automatically include authority to search other _____.
nationwide ______________: "this is what I claim it is."
form To obtain email addresses on outgoing correspondence, you need a:
stolen An intrusion into REP by the ___________ triggers 4th Amendment
REP Video-only surveillance is governed by the ______ ______.
media While the electrons are moving...
courtorder Before using force to enter a dwelling with a computer search warrant, agents must ____ ____ ____.
offsitesearch To protect stored emails from deletion, issue this to the ISP.
seize Pen/Trap orders are good for ________ days
oral LEOs may search a pager during an ___.
searchwarrant AUSAs can approve T-III applications for _______ _______
Magistrate Fax transmissions are ________ communications
DOJ To obtain the contents of unopened email in storage less than 180 days, you need a:
searchwarrant After authenticating data, agents must still ______ it to a specific person.
subpoena If agents have RS that "knock
plainview Where to search? Computers and other ______.
subpoena This type of federal judge cannot issue a T-III order
sixty Always handle data to prevent claims of ___________.
fourthamendment To obtain the contents of opened email in storage, you need at least a:
circumstantial To get basic subscriber information, you need at least a:
media Face-to-face consensual monitoring requires AUSA ________
authentication Should you inventory an arrestee's data?
preservationorder Network _______ may defeat REP.
incoming Consent to search a computer may be ________ ("I changed my mind; stop searching.")
wire "Right to be, right to ____."
digitalpagers Standard required for a pen/trap order
trapandtrace Consent to search a computer may be ______ ("You may only search my C drive.")
connect To obtain cell-site data, you need at least a:
outgoing Trap
searchwarrant Evidence connecting a person with an electronic file will often be __________.
scope Biggest difference between traditional and computer search warrants
limited To monitor a mobile tracking device in an REP area, you need a ______ ______
realtime When examining files, you must stay within the ______ of your search warrant.
Government _____ communications: human voice not on wire or other mechanical means
humanear A search warrant for stored emails is valid __________.
courtorder T-III applications must be approved by ___
electronic To get transactional records, you need at least a:
subpoena Using a ______ to intercept real time oral REP comms without consent violates T-III
device T-III does not apply if you have ______ of at least one party.
advice One who possesses a _______ computer has no REP in its contents.
see These kind of searches do not trigger the 4th Amendment.
fourthamendment Exigent circumstances will allow you to _______ a computer.
relevance Pen registers capture ________ phone numbers.
destroy ______ _____ does not apply to information discovered when exceeding the scope of a warrant.
no Needed to get toll records (past incoming/outgoing numbers)
REP Interception, with a device, of real time oral communications with _____ requires a T-III
SIA Mobile tracking devices are governed by the ______ _____.
banners For data stored in several jurisdictions, you need multiple _____ ______
withdrawn A warrant is required to use video-only surveillance in an _____ area without consent.
knockandannounce To install mobile tracking device in an REP area, you need a _______ _______
consent Computer search warrant: looking for "records in any _____"

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