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Criminal Justice Review

Marcia Bedard

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concurrent state and federal courts
jurisdiction case that established protection from physical abuse during interogation
consecutive serious crime, can serve more than a year in state prison
dualcourtsystem written order from judge to conduct an official action
booking principle of fairness, orthe ideal of equity
propertycrime facts based on an officer's training and experience that lead's the officer to believe that criminal activity is or has taken place.
bail sentences served back to back, example: 1 year for larceny 2 years for asault = 3 years
indictment after serving a portion of a sentence a person can be released on ___________.
bowstreetrunners established the Plain View Doctrine
larceny created the Metropolitan Police force
parole cases that established the Exclusionary Rule
mappvohio less serious crime, serve less than a year in confinement
arraignment subcomponents of the justice system work to achieve their own goals
burglary step of due process that takes place immediately after an arrest
grandjury members of Metropolitan Police force
reasonablesuspicion style of policing that enforces the letter of the law
marburyvmadison danger to life, or evidence justify __________________
socialjustice when a trial court offers a new trial instead of appellate review of a lower court's decision
weeksvUS established exclusionary rule at the state level
goodfaith geographic area, subject, and place in the heirarchy are all a part of ____________________.
conflictmodel larceny, arson, for example
ILvescobedo established the US Supreme Court's authority as final interpreter of the US Constitution
comestabuli subcomponents of the justice system work together to achieve justice
bobbies aspects of civilized life that are connected to our ideas of fairness, our cultural beliefs about right and wrong
sirrobertpeel money or property pledged to the court guaranteeing that person will appear for court
warrant formed by Henry Fielding
fruitofthepoisontree a formal written accusation submitted to the court by the grand jury
probablecause exception established by US v Leon
harrisvus case specfied the conditions under which deadly force could be used to apprehend a felon
trialdenovo breaking into a computer store to steal a laptop
internalaffairs set of facts or circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a specific person had committed criminal activity
fourth stealing of farm machinery would be classified under what category of the UCR
felony crime most likely to be reported by the victim to police
justice constables on horseback
legalistic agency responsible for compiling the UCR
consensusmodel evidence derived from illegally seized evidence
FBI created reasonable suspicion
tennesseevgarner protects against unreasonable search and seizure
motorvehicletheft sentences served together, example: 1 year for larceny 2 years for asault = 2 years
misdemeanor group of people who hear the evidence, and decide if there is enough evidence to bring this person to trial
terryvohio investigates charges that officers are guilty of wrongdoing
emergencysearch suspect is informed of the charges, advised of their rights, and enters a plea

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