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Antitrust Law

Jessica Cipollone, Mitchell Stafford, Jason White

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market concentration any actions by a firm to eliminte competition
monopoly power anticompetitive agreement
vertically integrated firm posession of market power in relevant market and willful aquisition or maintenence of that power
divestiture small number of firms share the market for a particular good or service
attempted monopolization to pay two different prices for identical goods or services
monopolization ability of a monopoly ro dictate what takes place in a given market
antitrust law selling on ot more of a company's parts
group boycott competitors agree to fix prices at a certain level
price discrimination power of a firm to control the market price of its product
price fixing agreement a test such as economic efficiency
vertical merger primary measure of monopoly power
per se violation agreement between buyer and seller in which buyer becomes obligated to purchase additional product or services from the seller
tying agreement seller forbids a buyer to purchase products from seller's competitor
horizontal merger contract that tends to eliminate or reduce competition
market power pricing of a product below cost to drive away competitors
conglomerate merger refusal to eal with particular person or firm by a group of competitors
exclusive dealing contract merger between firms that do not compete in the same market
restraint on trade merger between two firms in the same market
predatory pricing single seller or limited number of sellers
rule of reason Sherman Act, Clayton Act, Federal Trade Commission Act
market share test company at one stage of production aquires another company at higher or lower stage of production
monopoly a firm that carried out two or more functional phases

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