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Alcoholic Beverage Code

Dan Wills

Words / terms associated with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code.

zero tolerance a purchase
arrest the process of breaking down alcohol in the body
possession driving under the influance of alcohol by minor
mic whiskey, gin, vodka, taquilla, rum, scotch, etc.
beer to take into custody
metabolize made with hopps and barley
sale horizontal gaze nystagmus
intoxicated not having normal use of your mental / physical faculties
mip the act of carrying out the consequences of a law
intoxicant a substance likely to casue intoxication
purchase completely and totally intoxicated or drunk
liquor to have care, custody, and control of something
enforce to drink an alcoholic beverage
minor to buy something
breathalyzer state of non-intoxication, clear minded
dizzy never acceptable
vision someone under the age of 21
abc uneasy feeling, unbalanced, head spinning
identification item used to make yourself known to another
wine minor in possession
inebriated to give false testimony; misleading
misrepresentation ability to see
liver operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated
alcohol minor consuming alcohol
dwi instrument used to determine blood alcohol concentration levels
consume acronym for Alcoholic Beverage Code
impair made by fermentation of grapes, fruits, or berries
hgn having a blood-alocohol-concentration of .08% or higher
duiam organ in the body where metabolization of alcohol occurs
sobriety a liquid intoxicant

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