Mediterranean | | 5,000 troops |
Latifundia | | Wet paint on wet plaster |
Italy | | God of the Seas |
Polytheistic | | Sea of Roman Empire |
macedonia | | God of War |
Dictator | | Romes largest chariot race |
Consuls | | Some one who works for free by force |
Carthage | | Many Gods |
Imperialism | | Modern day country where Rome was |
Punic | | During war, ruled for 6 months |
PaxRomana | | People of Ancient Rome that ruled early Romans |
Plebeians | | Language spoken by Romans |
Etruscans | | Represented Plebeians |
Legion | | Working class of Rome |
twelvetablets | | Upper class of Rome |
Gladiator | | Roman Stadium for spectacles |
Tribunes | | Roman plantations, Haciendas |
Gaul | | Roman name for France |
Republic | | ____ and ____; Senators and brothers who wanted to give |
Veto | | To block a law |
TiberiusandGaius | | Birth place of Alexander |
Augustus | | Emperor where a stable rome exsisted |
Empire | | Elected to give advice |
Asia Minor | | Control over other people, goverments, etc |
Fresco | | Capitla city of area conquered during the Punic wars |
Slave | | Et tu Brutus; Killed in senate from fear fo being 1st king |
Patricians | | Written law that gave plebeians chance to argue law |
Latin | | Chief god of Romans |
Poseidon | | Goverment where citizens rule |
Mars | | Many Roman ideas are based on these people |
CircusMaximus | | Roman Peace |
Jupiter | | Modern day Turkey |
Greeks | | Name of 3 wars won by Romans |
Colosseum | | Goverment ruled by an Emperor |
JuliusCaesar | | Rman fighters |