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Italian Wine

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cataratto Most productive wine region
gamberorosso A grape not a cheese
bolgheri Citrusy
primitivo Province responsible for DOCG Taurasi
tappo Italy's answer to Beaujolais Nouveau
germany Famous for red wine and truffle
vinsanto A weed!
barbera Key to a Bellini
colli The wicker bottle of Chianti
campania Less vineyards than the UK
valledaosta Soft not dead
Vulture Large oak barrels
morbido Region that makes Lacrima di Morro, Rosso Conero
puglia Cooked wine
estestest Widely grown in the US
pinotnero Garganega is important to making it great
novello Like to grown vines up trees
zampone If I eat bistecca alla fiorentina I should drink
montefalco Adds acid when blended with Rondinella
asti Cork
chianti Grape from Burgundy
daunia Opposite of dolce
etruscans Perfect match for Biscotti
colorino Number one export market
negroamaro Common northern Italian red
vinocotto Once used for Marsla but now made into white wine
verona Italian grape which adds colour to Chianti
pecorino Term describing the orignal home of a wine
soave It is a DOC
tendone Productive plains of Puglia
secco Little sweet grape
malvasia Sparkling muscat
dolcetto Home of Vinitaly
lemarche The grape the provides flavour in frascati
cantinasociale Black and bitter
agrume Productive northern plain
botte A dish of pigs trotters well suited to Lambrusco
po A Pergola of vines
fiasco This volcano is in Basilicata
sangiovese Home town to Tony's favourite wine
trebbiano Blood of Jupiter
prosecco Slow food guide to wine
classico Area made famous by SuperTuscans
alba A co-operative winery
molinara Hills
cannonau Grenache is known as this in Sardegna

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