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Daily Life in Rome

Mrs. Spiller

Main Idea: The rich and poor had very different lives in Rome, as did men and women.Read pages 306-310 in your textbook to find the answers to these questions.

Slaves Became men between the ages of 14 and 16; would burn their toys as offerings to the household gods
CircusMaximus In what shape was Rome laid out?
Gladiators The Roman goddess of love and beauty
Jupiter Made up 40 percent of the people in Italy by 100BC; worked in homes, fields, mines, and workshops
Rome The inner court of a wealthy Roman home
Spartacus Wife of Augustus; had a say in Rome's politics; later honored as a goddess
Livia A constant danger in Roman apartment buildings because people used torches and lamps for lighting and cooked with oil
Forum One of the jobs a women could do independently outside the home in ancient Rome
Families Public speaking
Rhetoric An open space that served as a marketplace and public square with temples and public buildings built around it
Boys To keep the people from rioting, the Roman government provided these
Villa One of the largest cities in the ancient world
Venus Enslaved people, criminals, or poor people who fought animals and each other
Tutors A long flowing robe with a cloak that Roman women wore
square A gladiator who led a slave revolt in 73 BC; crucified along with 6,000 of his followers after the rebellion was crushed
Atrium Tossed into the streets from their apartments by Romans
Toga The name of a wealthy Roman home on their country estate
Fire Chariot racing was held here
Palla These people were hired to teach wealthy Roman children at home
Paterfamilias Very large and included parents, young children, married children and their families, other relatives, and enslaved servants
Garbage The Roman sky god
Hairdresser Head of household in a Roman family
BreadandCircuses A loose fitting robe that Roman men wore

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