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St Patricks day

Graham Barsby

A puzzle based on ireland for St Patricks Day

blackpool Which of the following colours does not appear on the Irish flag? White, Yellow or Orange?
cork Dublin is derived from the Gaelic words “Dubh Linn” what is this in English
cobblers What was the Roman name of Ireland
limerick Which ships “last port of call” was in Cobh Harbour
six In which Irish city is Shannon airport?
yellow Which Irish county would you associate with a type of poem
white Which animal became extinct in Scotland in 1743 and then in Ireland in 1766?
cromwell What is the Gaelic word for Ireland?
limerick What is the national airline of Ireland?
guinness Who was the lead singer of the 1960s Irish group, `Them`?
wolf Where does the Northern Assembly sit _____ castle?
murphy Who invaded Ireland in August 1649
eire What is the longest river in Ireland?
natterjack Which breed of dog has breeds called Welsh, Scottish and Irish?
hibernia What is Ireland’s only native toad
waterford What is the currency in Eire
kildare What is the national symbol of Ireland
belfast What is the most common surname in Ireland?
shannon What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
shamrock Similar to elf with a pot of gold
terrier How many provinces are there in Ireland?
potato How many counties are there in Northern Ireland
four According to legend what did St Patrick rid Ireland of
snakes What town is home to the Irish National Stud?
vanmorrisson On which river does the city of Belfast stand
lagan Which county in Southern Ireland would you visit to kiss the Blarney Stone
aerlingus Famous irish drink
euro According to tradition what profession are Leprechauns
leprechaun What colour is the middle stripe on the Irish flag?
stormont What shortage happened in Ireland in between 1845 and 1849?
dublin What city is famous for mussels
titanic Which port in Ireland is famous for its Crystalware
wolfhound Which breed of dog, first mentioned in writings around the 2nd century AD, is the tallest of all dog breeds?

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