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Tribute to Halloween


Tribute to Halloween

ghostest vampires never order this off the menu - at least "rarely"
snap the boy ghost told the pianist to play "_____ for me"
Munster ghosts favorite kind of pie
goblin where werewolves send their children
cider the slang term werewolves use when they think it's "cool"
ribs a drink that will send shivers up your spine
costume he plays his trom-BONE
garlic feline friend
wrap someone who is all wrapped up in themselves
coffin restless hound
wizard what monsters like to jump on
Misty the kind of bedtime stories told to little monsters
nightmare a ghost that cuts meat
bat it flies down and gets tangled in your hair
witch it's your call
popcorn balls the spider sat down be_____ (hot drink)
Drooleschool John, O' you are the light of my life!
Dracula one a day please
trick ghost's favorite dance
jackolantern mummy's favorite kind of music
scary wonderous wand waving gentleman
apple The ________ with the mostest!
scarecrow ______ are a gouls best friend
night a witch
trick-or-treat vampires take cold medicine to stop them from ______
maze stutterin': gobble-gobble-______
skeleton strange liquidy ingredients mucus ewe!
haunted house why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies"
slime am I that transparent?
Jekyll 31st of the 10th
Bones don't go anywhere without it
hayride causes skeletal decay
demons is it a fruit or a vegetable?
trembline a k_____ in shinning armor
I-scream your reward
boo-gie snap, crackle ___ silly spheres
fangs she sure doesn't let any sand settle on her
cat goblins like to watch a giant ___________
boo-tcher lost in a ____ and I'm hungry like a werewolf
Halloween there's a little _______ in all of us
pumpkin monsters favorite desert
treat black female horse
howler wear over your face
Casper he will keep you in stitches
goul-aide spider's kind of internet
candy when you see the doctor's evil side it's time to ____
werewolf the friendly one
Adams you' don't want this
Frankenstien the doctor's in the house
Hyde a dental nightmare
mummy the girl ghost told the boy ghost "I can see right thru you"
boo-berry a mouse would not even live in this abode
web why skeletons never accept an invitation to a barbeque
mask the scarecrows favorite form of transportation
ghost he likes to take a bite out of life
spiders the slang term used today that makes skeletons tremble
transparent vampires stay away from ______ bread pizza
broommates Mrs. Skeleton's favorite song "Me
steak frazzled bird
moviescream the very first family

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