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Cinco de Mayo

Donovan D. Corzo

This puzzle is about the events that happen around Cinco de Mayo. The history and culture regarding that holiday.

Texas River that is border between U.S. and Mexico
Speedy Gonzalez Spanish for hot (temp)
Maximillian Desert state that capital is named after a mythological bird
France Spanish for up
salsa Spanish for village
Europe Spanish for "the people"
legre Spanish for hot (spicy)
orchata Agressor in 1861
caliente Spanish for happy
endele State where modern Cinco de mayo festivities were observed in 1863
Phoenix Spanish for sleepy
puerco Spanish for tired
Arriba Type of mexican hat
Districto Cinco de Mayo is celbrated by many American regardless of ___ _____
cansado "The holiday" , has been celebrated _______ since 1863
ranchero Ethnicity of the Emperor in 1866
sueno Spanish name for cowboy
sombrero State in the U.S. that has roots in our neighbors to the south
cabayerro Continent where France is located
cerrado Type of holiday (Cinco de Mayo) is in Mexico
Seguin When a country goes to another one by force
villa Jack Black movie title "____ Libre
music Celebrations combine, food,____, and dancing
cerdo Mytholigical bird where its death is also its rebirth
Mariachi Mexico ceased making _______ ________ to its main creditors
Invasion City where the main battle happened
Regional State where "the Alamo" is located
Presidente Spanish for pig
ethnic origin Spanish for hurry up
picante Spanish for rice
Mexico City Another name for the Capital
Arizona Type of mexican band
Interest Payments Ruler of Mexicios title in 1868
la gente Spanish name for ranch
continuously Emperor of Mexico until 1866
California General Ignacio Zaragoza _______ led the troops
Rio Grande Spanish for closed
French Spanish for pork
arroz Mexican drink made from rice, milk, sugar and cinnamon
Chips Spanish name for sauce
abierto Spanish for sick
Baja Mexican cartoon rat
Puebla Spanish for open
inferme ____
Nacho Capital of Mexico
New Mexico Part of California that is still part of Mexico

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