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Photography Terms

Kyle Leaberry

Photography terms to help students in photography I.

Focus The range of dark and light areas in a photograph
Blowup A print made by having the photograph under the negative
Bracketing The chemical used to make the photograph show up on photographic paper and film
Background Photographs of people that the subject is unknown
Foreground A camera that focus by its self
Bulb The number that repersents the sensitivity of the film
FilmSpeed The layer of sensitive ingredients on photographic paper
Exposure The shutter speed that makes the shutter stay open as long as you press the button
Developer The opening in the camera that lets light through
AutomaticCamera Cutting off part of a photograph while printing the picture
Balance The area where you develop photographic paper and film
CloseUp Where you put the film when processing film
DepthofField To keep chemistry in a gentle motion to devolop the film or photographic paper
Aperture The sdjudtment that sets the sharpness of the photograph
Darkroom The chemical that makes the film clearer when processing film
CandidPictures A print that is made larger then the negative
ContactPrint Two photographs on one piece of photographic paper
BurningIn A photograph that is closer then it should be
Agitation The area in the front of the photography
Composition Placement of light and dark areas in a photograph
Backlighting A part of the photograph that is in the back
Emulsion The amount of space that the photograph is in focus
Contrast The object on the camera that lights light out to add light to the photograph
Hypo A camera that sets the settings its self
Dodging The object on top of the camera that holds a flash
DoubleExposure To give an area of a photograph darker then the rest of the photograph
AdjustableCamera The object in the darkroom that enlarges the negative
DevelopingTank The light allowed to act on photographic material
Cropping The light from behind the subject that goes to the camera
HotShoe To give an area of a photograph lighter then the rest of the photograph
Film The object that holds the pictures in a camera
Autofocus The chemical that stops the developer
Enlarger A camera you have to set
Flash The arrangement of elements in a photograph
FixingBath Taking extra pictures to find out what the correct exposure should be

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