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Happy Horse

Julie Sheppard

Fun way to learn about horses!

Quarter Horse Breed of 3-gaited or 5-gaited saddle horses developed chiefly in Kentucky from Thoroughbreds and smooth-gaited stock
Roan Breed of large heavy draft horses of British origin that have heavily feathered legs
Appaloosa breed of American light horse descended from a single progenitor -- the famous Justin Morgan. Morgans are used as all-purpose light horses and are very popular on cattle ranches.
Dun Brownish orange to light brown same shade mane and tail
Arabian Having a grayish yellow coat with black mane and tail
Chincoteague Pony Small hardy naturalized horse of the western plains directly descended from horses brought in by the Spaniards
Belgian Pony breed originated on a small island off the coast of Virginia, US. Thought to be from early Spanish horse after a shipwreck. Still live wild.
Hackney A heavy draft horse with feathering on the legs.Originated in Scotland
Sorrel Breed of horses of Spanish origin that have a high-stepping gait, full manes and tails.
Shire one of the largest breeds of draft horses of pure European descent. generally sorrel or chestnut in color, stands just under 17 hands and weighs over 2,000 pounds).
Palomino smallest breed of horse, originating in the Shetland Islands, north of Scotland. Its official size is less than 46 in. high, and some are scarcely more than 2 ft .
Chesnut breed of light horse more properly known as the English running horse. As its name implies, it was the first pedigreed, or "thoroughbred" horse. It originated in England
Grulla breed of light horse developed in Mesopotamia and N Africa, and probably the first true domesticated breed.
Welsh Pony Breed of spirited horses developed from Spanish, Italian, Danish, and Arab stock that are usually born with a dark coat that lightens to white with age
Morgan Reddish brown, dark to black mane, tail and legs.
Clydesdale A horse that is pale cream to gold in color and has a flaxen or white mane and tail
Mustang Breed of trotting and pacing horses developed in the U.S., noted for speed and stamina, and used especially in harness racing
Standardbred Missing phrase2 - 36
Lippizan English breed of rather compact usually chestnut, bay, black or brown high-stepping horses
Andalusian American breed of light horse that originated during the colonial era, partly from Arabian ancestry (see Arabian horse). The name refers to the horse's reputation for speed at the quarter-mile distance.
Saddlebred Having the base color (as red, black, or brown) muted and lightened by a mixture of white hairs
Shetland Pony Light horse developed by the Nez Perce Indians, characterized by a spotted pattern of markings; it most commonly has solid-colored foreparts and small, dark, round or oval spots over the loin and hips
Buckskin breed of small horse of European origin. First bred prim arily in Saxony, it later became localized in Walesaveraging just over 12 hands (48 in.). It is usually of solid color, with grays, whites, and chestnuts.
Percheron a horse of a light yellowish dun color with black mane and tail and a dark dorsal stripe.
Thoroughbred Bbrownish orange to light brown usually with a lighter (flaxen) mane and tail.
Bay Breed of powerful rugged draft horses that originated in the Perche region of France

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