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Test your flyfishing knowledge

Curtis Carter

A test for flyfishermen to examine their knowledge of the sport.

black common knot used to tie fly line to leader
Golden over 500 species of this bug
steelhead indian word for "land of many uses"
upwings a fluid applied to a dry fly to make it float
theodoregordon the distance between the point of a hook and shank
nymph type of fly used in saltwater fly fishing
barbless A Southern River named "one of the best."
dorsal the "art of fishing"
tailwater fin on back of a trout is called the ________
minnow a rainbow but not a rainbow
monofilament caddis that thrives in cold water
terrestrials called "the father of American fly fishing"
tiger Mayflies are also called __________
woolybugger these are true flies and tiny
streamer most fly tyers try this one first
run leaders are made of this
logjam small crustacean
oxygen caddis flies lay their eggs _____________
spinner Rosenbauer says this is the number one fly
floatant "catch and -------"
Chattooga the real sportsman used this type of hook
Nantahala cross between a brook and a brown
nailknot elusive fish found in Alaska and Canada
grayling pileup of trees in a stream
char browns may also be called _______ trout
Mayfly flow of water below a dam
angling DO is an abbreviation for dissolved ________
creel subspecies of trout in alkaline desert waters
scuds term for a small fish
Lahontan underwater stage of certain insects
midges category of flies that imitate crickets
yellow called the 'most beautiful trout"
underwater wicker basket to hold fisherman's catch
release area on a stream where water flows to lower elevation
tippet WF8F refers to a weight __________ fly line
gap last stage of mayfly life cycle
forward the term 6x commonly refers to this
haresear brook trout is actually a ______

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