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800 Call-KC Disney Theme Puzzle

Mel Watkins

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Doc Marlin and Coral's son
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Mrs. Jumbo's son
underthesea Group whose motto is "Fish are friends, not food"
kinglouie Stepmother who has an evil pet cat named Lucifer (Cinderella's stepmother)
rafiki Nemo's teacher
quasimodo Evil Puppeteer
mulan First fully computer-generated Disney/Pixar animated movie
Monstersincorporated Monstro from Pinocchio
sleepingbeauty Four legged character whose father is known as the Great Prince
queenofhearts Names of the two moose from Brother Bear
theincredibles Their motto is "We Scare Because We Care"
dog "The Evil Eye" in the Rescuers
pocahontas Prince John's slithery henchman
merlin Is from Sector Four of the Gamma Quadrant
grasshoppers Mystical baboon from The Lion King
oogieboogie Workplace of the Seven Dwarfs
aristocats Meeko and Flit's friend
italian Says the magic words "Higitus Figitus"
cinderella Makes only his eyes and grin visible
clownfish What kind of animal is King Richard?
princeeric Kind of bugs that terrorize Flik and his fellow ants in A Bug's Life
dalmatians Where Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, and Piglet live
sirhiss Kind of animal Lilo thinks Stitch is
ariel Rings the bells of Notre Dame
gargoyles Grimsby is the advisor th what Disney Prince?
hakunamatata What is Pocahontas' grandmother?
treasureplanet Aladdin's monkey sidekick
sharks Self-proclaimed "king of the swingers"
tramp Kind of food served in Tony and Joe's restaurant in Lady and the Tramp
mrray Sings "Rumbly in My Tumbly"
pinocchio Scamp's father
stitch Calypso-style song from The Little Mermaid
diamond Kind of pets owned by Roger and Anita Radcliffe
petesdragon Mulan's guardian dragon
ursula Sings "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah"
bambi Is accused of having "laser envy"
dumbo 2002 Disney animated feature set in the future
buzzlightyear Very long word made famous in Mary Poppins
winniethepooh What are Victor, Hugo and Laverne?
lion Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are fairies in this Disney movie
mushu A jealous fairy
nemo Nemo is what kind of fish?
whale You need faith, trust and a little bit of this to fly
mine 2002 Disney animated feature set in Hawaii
uncleremus 1998 Disney animated feature set in China
baloo Animated movie about a family of superheroes
stromboli Has a fairy godmother
ruttandtuke What kind of animal is Tantor?
pixiedust "No Worries"
elephant Animated movie featuring the kittens Marie, Berloiz, and Toulouse
cheshirecat Leader of the Seven Dwarfs
woody Also known as "Experiment 626"
toystory Pinocchio's father
abu Has a very bad temper and only likes red roses
geppetto Villain from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
hundredacrewood Sings "Poor Unfortunate Souls"
ladytremaine King Triton's Daughter
willowtree This movie has a lighthouse, an orphan boy, and an invisible dragon
liloandstitch His nose grows when he lies
tinkerbell Animated character known as a "jungle bum"

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