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Webster V. Bear

No description

Ocean Praiseworthy Character
Date Name of Sacagawea's baby son
Portrait The Teddy Bear was created for him
Obverse Large unbroken expanse
Gold Remember something ceremonially
Reeded Lewis and Clark Guide
Jefferson Large sea
Dandridge First State Quarter in 2004
Bicentennial Gateway to Discovery
Sacagawea Liberty Bell is found here
Penny Period during which something was created
Monticello Large humped animal
Copper Degree of inclination
Elephant Metric unit of mass
Mint In a westerly direction
Oatmeal Roman God of commerce
Texas American wild ox
Proof The Lone Star State
Field Brink
Journey Slang for Cent
Presses State famous for apples
George Trip somewhere
Philadelphia Equipment used to keep or make something smooth and uncreased
Quarter Favorite cookie of Webster
Error Native American
Booth Popular myth of recent origin
Keelboat Change something to opposite
Bison Point near the beginning or the end
Polio Covered river boat with shallow draft
Rim Disease affecting brain and spinal cord
Michigan Lightly cooked
Bullion Indian tribe
Johnson Both became presidents due to assassination
Eagle Visible facing an observer
Westward Large African Mammal
Edge Sample obtained by drilling
Kennedy A metal heating stove
Washington Creation of musical or literary work
Shoshone Estate of Thomas Jefferson
Reverse First name of the First President
Buffalo Martha Washingtons maiden name
Legend Reddish metallic element
Franklin Unmarred
Good An official who collects funds
Core Issues were raised about his initials
Gram Assassin of Abraham Lincoln
Florida Series of grooved lines that encircle the perimeter of a coin
Pomp Short expression of guiding principle
Composition Precious metal
Grade Tenth part, tithe
Brenner To give a resistant quality to
Indian Semi Precious Metal
Motto Large,talloned bird
Rare Mass of metal
Collector Celebrating 200 years
Roosevelt April 13 is a holiday in Alabama in honor of him
Mercury Sculptured figure
Silver To provide with lodging
Commemorative President after Eisenhower
Dime A mistake

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