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Chess Terminology

Diana Durham- EducationalChess.com

This puzzle has a variety of basic chess terms, middle game terminology and pawn structures.

PAWN a1-h8; slanted row of squares across the board
DOUBLEATTACK The most important piece
CHECK Two pawns in front of each other
BISHOP When a piece cannot move or should not move
PIN Dangerous pawn that is headed to promotion
ENPASSANT When you attack two pieces on the same rank, file or diagonal
KING Two pawns next to each other
KNIGHT Special rule- when two paws pass each other by...
DOUBLED What you are supposed to say when you attack the King
FILE Weak unsupported pawn that protects another pawn
ROOK Tie, can be done in different ways
DISCOVEREDATTACK Loves open spaces, worth at least three points
PASSED One pawn with no pawn on the adjacent files
CHECKMATE When the King is not attacked, but it has nowhere safe to go to, draw
STALEMATE Moves up and across the board
QUEEN Another word for points
ISOLATED When one piece attacks two
RANK Special piece, can skip over others
MATERIAL The smallest piece on the board
CONNECTED Lettered column across the board
DIAGONAL When you attack the King and it has no way of defending, game over!
DRAW When an opponent
SKEWER The best piece
BACKWARD Numbered row that goes across the board

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