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World War II Vocabulary

Amber White

Amber WhiteB-4 Honor's EnglishComprehension # 1

feudal society a group of ten to twenty or more planes or a section of a naval fleet
kamikazes a person or group of persons unfairly blamed for wrongs done by others
Holocaust a military post
Allies a fixed and limited amount of something
occupation deliberate, systematic destruction of a racial, cultural, or political group
final solution a bomb that explodes violently due to the rapid release of atomic energy
atomic bomb prejudices or discriminations against the Jews
concentration camps a group of ships or vehicles that travel together, and are usuallly protected by armed guards
Hiroshima the energy emitted from an atomic bomb
anti-Semitism Japanese pilots who committed suicide by crashing their planes into Allied ships
genocide place where the first atomic bomb was dropped in August of 1945
Axis term used to describe both extermination camps and concentration camps
squadron the countries aligned against Germany, Japan, and Italy
garrison the civilian effort and activity at home in support of war waged overseas
V-E Day Nazi code for physical destruction of a racial, cultural, or political group
incendiary fighters trained for dangerous missions
convoy those who commit deliberate acts of destruction
V-J Day Nazi camps fixed with gassing equipment for the mass murder of Jews
expansionist the alliance made up of Germany, Japan, and Italy
persecution a society in which a powerful lord allows people to work the land in return for military service
isolationist the extermination of the European Jews, Slavs, and many other groups by the Nazis
commandos a person or nation that seeks to avoid getting involved in the problems of other countries
scapegoat a group of performers formed during World War II to entertain American troops
saboteur acronym for National Socialist German Workers Party
extermination camps a person or nation who seeks to increase in size, power, and influence
home front explosive designed to create fires
radiation May 8, 1945
death camp August 15, 1945
ration control of a country taken over by a foreign military power
Nazi prison camps constructed to hold Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and others
USO act of causing others to suffer

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