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World War II

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Hirohito Nazi leader of Germany during WW II
Nagasaki Time information: Tue Mar 22 11:50:17 2005 Start Tue Mar 22 11:50:17 2005 Finish Pact between Germany, Italy and Japan making Japan part of the Axis
ManhattanProject Gave Germany permission to invade Sudeten territories of Czechoslovakia
Blitzkreig Leader of Russia during WW II
Yalta Leader of Italy during WW II
IwoJima Lightening War
Tripartite U.S. program of economic aid to rebuild Europe after the war
Roosevelt Conference between U.S., Brtian and Russia that agreed to Allied invasion of France and Russia's offensive form the east
Potdam U.S. General who supervised the invasion of Normandy and defeat of Germany, later became 34th President
MunichPact First day of Allied invasion of Normandy (6-6-44)
Hitler Japanese attacked this naval base 12-7-41
Kamikaze U.S. President who authorized the use of the atomic bomb
Casablanca Conference between U.S., Britain and Russia in July of 1945 that planted the seed for the Cold War
Stalin Leader of Britain during WW II
NeutralityActs Japanse city where 2nd atomic bomp was dropped
Churchill An effort to keep the U.S. out of foreign wars
Eisenhower Secret U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project to develop the atomic bomb
Gestapo Alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan
Axis German Secret State Police
Truman Pacific island talken by Allies, but with huge American casualties
Pearl Harbor U.S. policy of supplying the Allies with equipment and materials
LendLease Battle in the Pacific that was a significant defeat to the Japanese
Allies Leader of Japan during WW II
Mussolini U.S. President during WW II, died in office
Hiroshima Alliance of Britain, France, U.S. Canada and Russia
Teheran U.S. Gernal who commanded the Allied forces in the Pacific
DDay Conference between U.S., Britain and Russia discussing plans for Europe after the War
MarshallPlan Conference between U.S. and Britain that said Germany must surrender unconditionally
Midway 1st Japanese city atomic bomb was dropped
MacArthur Japanese pilot trained to make a suicidal crash attack

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