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World History

Taylor Roop

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Democracy A large political unit or state, usually under a single leader that controls many peoples or territories
Mesopotamia Author of the Iliad
Spartacus Government by the people or rule of many
Phalanx One river on the outskirt of the fertile crescent
Sumerians Greek Soldiers
Hammurabi Las name of the man who discovered King Tut's tomb
Acropolis The Belief in many gods
Athens High part of the city in ancient Greece, used as refuge or religious center
Euphrates Type of Religion Rome began
Dynasty An administrative organization with officials and regular procedures
Ziggurat Age from 3000 to 1200 B.C., there was a widespread use of Bronze
EpicPoem Process of slowly drying a deadbody to prevent it from rotting
Homer Practice of banning people from the city
Neolithicrevolution The state of Golds ruling the city or a government by divine authority
Cuneiform Revolution that occured in the Neolithic Age
Christianity Phillip II's son
Prehistory Longest river in the world, runs through the heart of Africa
Hoplites Sumerian system in writing using "wedge-shaped" characters
citystates Skilled workers that made products and traded with neighborging peopl
Alexanderthegreat 1st woman pharoah
Bronze Age Center of all Religious Activity in Sumerian Cities
Artisans The Babylonian leader who came up with an "eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"
Loweregypt A family of rulers whose right to rule is passed on within the family
Mummification Leader of the slave revolt in Rome
Socrates Period before history was recorded with writing
Bureaucracy Land upstream the Nile, to the South
Pharoah Name of the monarch of Egypt
Polytheistic Persian ruler who wanted revenge
Hatshepsut Creators of the 1st Mesopotamian Civilization
Tutankhamen 1st type of government
Monarchy Greek battle formation
Ostracism Won in a struggle of contest
Tigris A long poem that tells deeds of a great hero
Carter Balley between the Tigris and Euphrates
Oligarchy The other River of he Fertile Crescent
Nile Boy-Pharoah, youngest ever
Theocracy Pelopennesian war was between Sparta and ________
Darius Independent cities in Southern Mesopotamia; suchas, Eridu, Ur, Uruk, basic unit of Sumerian civilization
Empire Rule by Few
Arete Creator of the Socratic Method

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