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chapter 4 key terms


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Carolingians practice of buying high positions within the church's hierarchy
WilliamtheConqueror search for heretics
manorialism name given to peasants in Europe
Magyars Known as Charles the hammer, Pepin II's son
Feudalism Pope during Henry IV's rule, one of the great leaders of the medieval chruch
Clovis Became the frankish king in 481.
Charlemagne Nomads from the East who settled in what is now Hungary, terrorized Europe
HenryIII elected king of Germany in 936, became known as Otto the great
MiddleAges person who was granted land from a Lord
curia law based upon customs and judges' decisions; rather than written codes
InnocentIII Charlemagne's only remaining son after his death. A weak and shortsighted ruler.
SairtPatrick new line of Frankish rulers, after Pepin II was anointed king
commonlaw advisors to the pope, held in supreme authority
Vikings court order against a region, closing all of the churches
SaintAugustine Pepin's son and the greatest of all Frankish kings
Medieval Most feared invaders in Europe, were from Scandinavia in the North
LouisthePious Land given by a Lord to another person
serfs Political organization in which small, local, independent leaders take over
FrederickBarbarossa code of conduct known to bring major changes into a feudal society
Fief inheritance system from father to oldest son
HenryIV Took the throne of Wessex, determined to drive the danes from England
Inquisition William I of England
AlfredtheGreat took over the German thrown at 5, began ruling at age 15.
Charles Martel Ruled Germany from 1046 to 1056, represented the height of imperial power
sacraments English ruler who ruled from 1154 to 1189, increased royal authority in England
PopegregoryVII time period known as the medieval period of European Development
cardinals in 1198 to 1216, one of the strongest medieval popes, strengthened the chruch and its worldly power
canonlaw advisors to the pope, "princes of the church"
HenryII people who deny the church's principals or preach against the church
Primogeniture social and political system thattook its name from the manors of the Middle ages.
interdict Name taken by Clovis and his successors
OttoI Monk who created teh rules to govern monks lives
SaintBenedict latin for "great charter", outlined the rights of England's ordinary people
vassal Frederick I, also known as Frederick of the red beard
heretics also known as the Middle Ages
Merovingians ceremonies at which the participants recieve God's direct favor or grace
Chivalry Credited with bringin Christianity to Ireland in 432
MagnaCarta Led monks into England, aided bringing christianity to England
simony church's own code of laws

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