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The Vietnam Conflict


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GulfofTonkinResolution Those who did not want to get involved in a war with North Vietnam
HoChihMinhCity Military term meaning an area where fighting happened
Theater Situation where neither side can win
Chemical Weapons President of the United States between 1953 and 1961
VietCong The colony, under French rule, in SE Asia that included Vietnam
Morale Nixon's national security adviser
GreenBeretAdvisors Jellied gasoline that burns violently, dropped by the US planes over wide areas
HoChihMinhTrail President of the United States between 1945 and 1953
Sanction A chemical that kills plants, sprayed by United States planes over the jungles of Vietnam
Napalm Those who wanted to send bombers and fighting troops to Vietnam
Guerillawarfare A revolutionary leader who united three Communist groups to form the ICP
Demonstration A network of paths the Viet Cong used to move soldiers and supplies during the war
Impolitic Surprise attacks by small bands of fighters, a tactic relied on by the Viet Cong
Bloc Land, farming
FrenchIndochina A public display of group opinion about an ikssue, cause, or person
PentagonPapers Losses
DwightDEisenhower President of the United States between 1963 and 1969
Infiltration Group of allied countries
Overtly Openly
Hostilities Opponents of the US government's policy in Vietnam
AgentOrange Chemical sprayed to kill plant growth which Viet Cong used as cover
FreeFireZones A bad idea in terms of politics
SEATO Confidence, fighting spirit
Hawks Meeting where an agreement is made to divide North and South Vietnam along 17th parallel
Negotiations After falling to Communist forces, the name given to Saigon
HarryTruman Former French airbase where the Vietnamese forces sieze and defeat the French
Mediation Fighting
Agrarian Talks
Stalemate When an entire village is destroyed
BuddhistMonkDemonstrations Anti-Communist alliance founded in 1954
SearchandDestroy Weapons like gas and poison
Doves Helping two sides to discuss differences
Attrition Passed in 1973, this limits the president's war making powers without consulting Congress
NewLeft When religious leaders in South Vietnam demonstrated against Diem's rule by self-immolation
HoChihMinh Theory stating that if a country fell to Communism, nearby countries would fall to Communism
Coalition Moving into an area secretly
WarPowersAct An action taken by one or more nations and designed to force another nation to comply with a legal, ethical, or moral code
Henry Kissinger President of the United States between 1961 and 1963
Vietnamization A Vietnamese Communist
JohnFKennedy A Congressional decision to give the president power to use military force in Vietnam
RichardMNixon President of the United States between 1969 and 1974
Communist Increasing military involvement
Defoliant Alliance, joining together
Dienbienphu A peace agreement was signed in 1972
Genevaaccords An act of aggression, hostile action or assault
LyndonBJohnson Movement of a nation of people to rule themselves
Escalation Military personnel sent by Kennedy to reinforce Diem in 1961
Dominotheory Areas where anything that moved was considered to be the enemy and attacked
Nationalism A person or government that practices or supports Communism
Offensive Building up and supporting South Vietnam forces to resist the Viet Cong
ParisAccords Secret defense department papers released to the New York Times in 1971

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