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US History

Steven Edwards

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FemaleSuffrage Set up a modern day draft in which 18 year old men have to sign up for
AbrahamLincoln Faught for rights for the mentally ill
RosaParks The President has to warn Congress 60 days before he can declare war
Cambodia Rebuild Wetern Europe to prevent Communism to penetrate it
KentState "Point to the spot where blood was spilt and we will declare war"
Berlin First nuclear accident to occur in the US
EmbargoAct Woodrow Wilson's most focused point in the 14 points
Stalingrad First encounter with the USSR in the Cold War
MonroeDoctrine The turning point of the war in Germany
FDIC The North Vietnamese fighting force
MarshallPlan Perfect fueling station between US and Asia
JamesFCooper Manifest Destiny
Bosnia Europe can no longer colonize in the american territories
Compromiseof1850 College students were killed for protesting
GIBillofRights Created the fugitive slave laws
Vietnamization Exposed JD Rockefeller for what he really was
TrumanDoctrine The Manhatten Project brought us this great invetion...
FreeportDoctrine 19th amendment passed in 1919 granted this
BattleoftheBulge Sent money, supplies, and troops to any country fighting Communism
SanJuanHill Plan of blaming the Vietnam War of the Vietnamese
DorotheaDix Gave war veterans rewards once they returned home such as a college education
VietMinn Pesticides
HoraceMann Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders charged up this
VietnamWar Laws don't matter because a state can enforce what they wish to
BlackTuesday Refused to give up her seat and sparked the Civil Rights Movement
LeagueofNations Set up an insurance on bank deposits that still exist today
EisenhowerDoctrine Sent money and supplies to any country fighting Communism
Watergate Believed in social darwinism and involved in the steel business
MidwayIsland The Germans last offensive in WWII
Speakeasies Wanted African-American rights without violence involved
MartinLuther Author of the Jungle
OpenDoorPolicy Set up the line of 36 30
NewDeal Students from this school fired the first shots of the civil war
LendLeaseAct Wanted a better form of public education
3MileIsland Gave the President the right to declare war on whomever he wishes (Vietnam)
LaissezFaire Gave war supplies to countries fighting Germany in WWII
MalcolmX Bill Clinton sent troops here to fight
GulfofTonkinResolution October 29,1929
Citadel China should be shared by all world powers
Containment Secret bars that were created during the time of prohibition
IdaTarbell Was not a war we wanted to partake in, but "needed" to stop the spread of Communism into it
Exodusters Nixon was most associated with this scandal
SelectiveServiceAct Founded the Mormon Religion
JamesKPolk Group of USSR's satellite countries
AndrewJackson Removed indiands to reservations west of the Mississippi
WarPowersAct The policy of keeping Communism from spreading
SilentSpring The Ho Chi Minn Trails were bombed in this country
AndrewCarnegie Wanted African-American rights by any means necessary
JosephSmith Did not want to abolish slavery just stop the spread of it
WarsawPact Thomas Jeffersons mistake that crippled our trade businesses economy
UptonSinclair No government interference in businesses
MissouriCompromise The Last of the Mohicans
AtomicBomb Slaves that moved west to prosper
SpotResolution FDR started this trying to stabilize the economy

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