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Kendall Gilbert

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Folktales emotional christian songs sung by slaves inthe south that mixed african and european elements and usally expressed slaves' religious beliefs
NatTurner small landowning farmers
RobertFulton invented the cotton gin
CottonBelt oral stories that often provide a moral lesson
TransportationRevolution invented the telegraph and the morse code
JohnDeere rebellion in which nat turn led a group of slave in virgina in an unseccessful attempt to overthow and kill planter families
PeterCooper cloth
Telegraph efficient production of large numbers of identical goods
CottonGin region stetching from gerogia to east texas where most u.s. cotton was produced during the mid 1800s
SamuelMorse process developed by eli whitney in the 1790s that called for making each vital part of a machine
EliWhitney a slave from virginia belived that god had called on him to end slavery
Factors period of rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and prodution that began in the mid-1700s
TredegarIronWorks rapid growth in the speed and convenience of transportation;in the u.s. this began in the early 1800s
Spirituals invented a harvesting machine
NatTurnerRebellion built the tom thumb
CyrusMccormick large iron factory that operated in richmond, virgina in the early to mid-1800s
IsaacSinger invented the steel plow
IndustrialRevolution ssystem developed by samuel morse's assistant that represented each letter of the alphabet by a certain combination of dots and dashes; used with the telegraph
Textiles device invented by eli whitney in 1793 to separate cotton plants 'fibers from seeds; revolutionized the cotton industry
MassProduction crop brokers who managed the trade between southern planter and their customers
Yeomen machine invented by samuel morse in 1837 that uses pulses of eletric current to send messages across long distances through wires
Interchangeable invented the steamboat
MorseCode made improvements on the sewing machine

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