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U.S. constitution


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yes Which branch of government is article three about?
adjourns Supreme Court will be the jurisdiction if the ambassadors, public ministers or consuls are involved?
electoral The number of electors from each state is decided by the number of people from that state?
congress What is formed by the house and the senate?
commander Who is the president of the senate?
departments How many years of citizenship are required to be a senate member?
borrow High officials must oath to affirm their supports for this ?
make laws What votes are needed in both houses to override veto?
no The Supreme Court can set up courts?
two thirds What can congress do to kill a bill when the president is holding onto it?
senate Article one in the constitution is about which branch of government?
congress Who has the power to declare punishment for the answer in 37?
majority Congress can not take money from the without making a law.
treason One of the two ways to propose an amendment is by two-thirds of ?
john roberts Every years are house member elected to office?
no President can also appoint people when vacancies exist during senate ?
excecutive Levying war, adhering to their enemies, aiding and giving them comforts is called against U.S.?
elastic clause The president can ask head of to write reports in their corresponding area?
vice president Congress can not suspend the privilege of Writ of Habeas unless is invaded?
inferior After the amendment is proposed, is needed by states?
veto Article six states that which two things are still valid after the establishment of the constitution
recessment Who is the chief justice of the Supreme Court?
1808 Sates are protected by the constitution the right to ?
vice president Article two talks about the branch of the U.S. government?
legislative What power does the president has over a bill?
ten Who has the power to take action in impeachments?
cabinets States can decide to have the majority mentioned in 42 by either legislature or ?
supreme What is the clause in article one section 8 clause 18?
coin Must all the states agree to the constitution for it to become valid?
natural born The elastic clause gives congress the power to ?
congress Congress can also money to regulate the value?
legislature The executive branch includes the president, vice president and ?
public safety Congress can money on U.S. credit?
judicial The president of the U.S. must be a citizen?
six A bill becomes a law when the president is not responding in days?
treasury Who takes over if president is removed?
three forths The president is elected by popular vote and vote?
congress Can an atheist be sworn into public office?
declare war The other way is by majority in two-thirds of state to call a convention?
convestion The president can appoint court justice with senate's approval?
seven Every years are senate member elected to office?
original Congress can not tax articles from any states?
constitution What vote is needed in both houses to propose a bill?
constitution What is the supreme law of the land?
engagement When is slave trade abolished?
exported How many years of citizenship are required to be a house member?
vote The president is the in chief of the military?
nine Article six states that which two things are still valid after the establishment of the constitution
debt On a military and public safety level, congress can ?
two Do people elect the president directly?

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