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The Civil War

Alvin Mathew

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states rights 1st Battle of Civil War
offensive muzzle-loading cannon used to fire projectiles at high angles
draft a war within a nation between opposing political regions.
soldier person who offers himself for service without being forced to do so
headquarters a 19th century warship having sides armored with metal plates
volunteer Robert E. Lee's "perfect battle"
slavery a call to military service
rebel speech by Lincoln about the many casualties
calvary an encounter of two armies
civil rights the ownership of one or more persons by another or others
weapon strong or fortified place for protection against the enemy.
secede military unit composed of three or four brigades led by a major general
battery place where a battle is fought; area of conflict
Confederacy 2nd battle of Bull Run; North called it this.
Gettysburg the union of the Southern states that had seceded
Antietam the rights guaranteed by a nation's government to all its citizens.
Chancellorsville the 1st major battle of the war
emancipation large, lengthy bullet made of soft lead that was fired from Civil War
Second Manassas number of similar items grouped as a unit
cannon foot soldiers; basic unit of a Civil War army
battlefield to move or quit from one place
casualty an instrument used for fighting
minie ball President of the U.S. during the war
Robert E. Lee Union General
ironclad another name for Confederate
Gettysburg Address a large mounted gun for firing heavy shells.
civil war the victim of a severe accident, esp. one that results in death.
fort general of the Confederacy
Union blodiest battle of the war
battle making the attack
Shiloh the act of freeing from some constraint or confinement.
infantry the place or center of command, esp. of a military unit
mortar a handgun with a revolving set of cylindrical chambers for bullets.
musket all rights and powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution nor denied by it to the states.
Bull Run also known as battle of Pittsburg Landing
revolver a heavy, large-calibre gun with a long barrel, carried on the shoulder and loaded through the muzzle
Lincoln a person who serves in the army, esp. an enlisted person as opposed to an officer.
Ulysses S. Grant those states remaining loyal to the United States of America
Appomattox army component mounted on horseback used mostly for scouting, raids and protecting the flanks of the army
division last battle of the Civil War; Lee surrenders

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