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Thomas Paine

Zach Cramer

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Packet Paine belived that the death of Louis XVI would, "spread universal ______."
five-hundred He was once offered the position of the ______ of the Revolution.
science Paine stayed a _____ ar Burke's estate in Buckinghamshire.
Jefferson Because of ______ Paine was given special treatment while in a hospital.
party Paine spent ______ months in this prison.
thirty-one Paine was a salor on The ______ after running away from home.
French Paine ecaped England by ______ to Dover.
Johnson Edmund ______ was one of Paine's closest English associates.
first On this boat he had a ____-class ticket.
quaker Samuel Ollive, Paine's friend, was a(n) ______.
Luxembourg Paine was once placed in ______ Prison.
flown Paine worked for ______ in Philadelphia.
oldest John ______ had a fitting epitaph for Paine's headstone.
Jefferson He wrote for the ______ Magazine.
Pennsylvania Paine once wrote an election ______ for a candidate running for Parliament.
deputies After release from prison ______ invited Paine to stay at his house.
song Paine and Burke toured iron ______.
eight He kept Paine aware of the events in revolutionary France.
maid The years following 1797 Paine did this with the Bonnevilles.
four Paine could not read or speak this.
politics He then threw himself into Pennsylvania ______.
Monroe In 1787 Paine normally dined with ______ and Lafayette.
Franklin William ______ thought that Paine's life was in danger.
Biddle At age 55 Paine was one of the ______ deputies at the National Convention.
Prussia Paine rode over on the London ______ to america.
train Paine disagreed with the monarchy and ______ privilege.
York New ______ gave Paine a 267-acre farm in New Rochelle.
hereditary The ______ Revolution created a split between Paine and Burke.
Hart Paine donated ______ dollars to Washington's army.
dined The King of ______ was another ship he sailed on.
iron Loyalist clubs published anti-Paine pamphlets and ______.
foundries They talked about ______ and politics.
sorrow Paine thought that his ______ bridge would bring him great riches.
historian Once Paine was arrested by Jacobin ______.
French The men's social club that Paine was involved in met at the White ______ Tavern.
Adams Lafayette shouted, "The birds are ______," when he burst into Paine's bedroom.
week He was 5'9" tall at the age of ___.
cartoons Mary Lambert, his first wife, was a(n) ______.
Terrible He also considered himself above ______ politics.
Burke Paine once took a ______ day journey through the French countryside.

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