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Slavery Puzzler

Erin Vaeth

See if you can fill out the whole puzzle using slavery vocabulary words!

Overseers Place where slaves were mainly relied on to raise and harvest sugar
Native Americans A system where people were forced to work their whole lives for free
Profits The colonies with the smallest need for slaves due to less farming
Agriculture A judgment about a whole group of people
Slave traders Colonists relied on slaves to drain, build dikes for, and harvest this crop
Racism A large farm or estate usually with many slaves that raised the crops
West Indies Journey made by slaveships across the Atlantic Ocean
Middle Passage Third main place where slaves were taken to from the Middle Passage that was mostly occupied by British
Artisans Slaves that were skilled and usually had less supervision
South America The process of selling or trading people who were taken to be slaves
British Colonies People who watched over the slaves
Tobacco Slaves with no skills that usually worked the fields
Southern Colonies The colonies that relied mainly on slaves to do the work
Rice The production of crops, livestock, or poultry
Africa Continent where most slaves were brought from
Indentured Servants The continent located directly south of North America
Slave Trade An opinion formed about somthing or someone without fair judgment
Middle Colonies People that sold and traded the slaves
Slavery Belief that one race is better then others
Discrimination Colonies that relied on slavery for production of crops such as wheat
Northern Colonies Money or somthing gained from selling, trading, ect...
Plantations A popular crop grown from leaves
Sterotypes People who worked for free for a certain amount of time in exchange for free passage to America
Unskilled People the colonists originally tried to enslave but they knew the land and escaped

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