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M Hespen

How well do you remember the Roman Republic/Empire?

Patricians common people
Greek another culture that influenced Roman culture
Nero emperor who made Christianity the state religion
Twelve Tables ruling body made up at first of only Patricians
Tribunes wealthy ruling class
Julius Caesar government system where Emperor's rule is law
Rubicon arch-supported water system
Plebeians chief of all gods
Forum group of approximately 5000 foot soldiers
Vote famous leader of slave revolt
Catacombs city "preserved" by volcanic eruption
Hannibal power in government sometimes produces this
Legion god of light and healing
Etruscan Egyptian queen who befriended Caesar and his heir
Cleopatra written laws the judicial system followed
Consuls long period of peace in the Empire
Jupiter what you could do if you were a citizen
Rome twin who gave Rome its name
Pax Romana foreign tribes that threatened Rome's borders
Punic government system ruled by representatives and law
Senate attacked from the northwest to gain power for Carthage
Octavian picture made with tiny stones
Romulus huge arena for gladiator fighting and chariot races
Mosaic Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey
Republic burial tunnels where Christians hid
Constantine representatives of the plebeians
Spartacus two of these ruled so no ruler would have too much power
Apollo main square of the city where politics were discussed
Venus river that Julius Caesar and soldiers crossed to reach Rome
Corruption leader loved by the people and hated by the Senate
Pompeii "All roads lead to ______."
Triumvirate changed the Republic into an Empire
Empire emperor that blamed Christians for burning Rome
Aqueduct one culture that influenced Roman culture
Barbarians wars against the Phoenicians (Carthaginians)
Coliseum goddess of love

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