BathsofCaracalla | | Operas were performed at this bath |
tepidarium | | Roman form of four square |
defricare | | Your face would turn red if exposed to too much of this |
latrina | | The grounds for this bath were laid by Michelangelo |
vestimenta | | If I was a slave I wouldn't want to rub this on my master's hairy back |
palaestra | | A statue fell in this in a previous chapter |
linteum | | a "vest" is a form of this |
vestibulum | | I wouldn't want to be scraped with one of these |
BathsofNero | | If I was a "suitor" I wouldn't want to be doing this |
sudor | | Ooh, ooh, ooh, I feel my "teperature" rising |
popina | | The baths "core" |
exercere | | Roman penny |
unquere | | Hot box |
trigon | | Burr, it's cold in here |
BathsofDiocletian | | Where less wealthy Romans bathed |
sudatorium | | A slave would help you do this when you were finished bathing |
frigidarium | | Where you would go to join a book club |
caldarium | | "Palae" for body builders |
piscina | | The bath wher Titus went |
quadrans | | to excert oneself |
hypocaustum | | you wouldn't want to leave your possessions in here |
spongia | | A masseuse would do this to a patient |
cutis | | I'm feeling HOT HOT HOT |
apodyterium | | Now a days you would leave your coat here |
tergere | | I would pretend to be "def" if my master asked me to do this after a long workout |
thermae | | Most of the "lint" in your dryer comes from these |
balneae | | Where you would find a crescent MOON |
luctari | | cleanses your "pors" |
lavare | | Someone would be looking at this if they tell you your epidermis is showing |
caloris | | Rich romans had a "bal" bathing by themselves |
vaporis | | Who lives in pinapple under the sea |
strigilis | | If you lived on the outskirts of Rome chances are you would walk through this to get to the thermae |
aquaeductus | | Where you would find a snickers at the Baths |
bibliotheca | | How dirty romans get clean |
oleum | | This allowed the water to continue to flow when the mountain ended |
CampusMartius | | I would be re"luc"tant to ever try this |