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Rubicon Proclaimed official tolerance for Christianity
Twelvetables First Christian Emperor
Horatius male head of a Roman household
Saul Rome fought against them in the Punic Wars
Livy Roman General who defeated Carthage
Diocletian Persecutor of Christians
Constantine Backbone of the Roman Republic
Meditations The lover of both Caesar and Athony
PontiusPilate Language of the Western Roman Empire
Marius The language of the Eastern Roman Empire
Etruscans Last Emperor of the Pax Romana
Patricians changed the nature of raising an army in Rome, gave them land for loyalty
Paterfamilias He attacked Rome over the Alps
Republic Lost his head in Egypt
EdictofMilan Gladiator who lead a slave uprising against Rome
Pompey The first group to invade Rome
Latin The Roman Procurator in Judea
Cincinnatus The first Emperor of Rome
Spartacus "The Roman Peace"
Carthage Held off an Etruscan army at the bridge
Cleopatra Author of the Aenied
Paul He was made dictator for six months, though severed only for a couple of weeks
Greek First Roman codification of Law
Three Upper class Romans
Augustus Battle that ended the second Punic War
Visigoths He divided the Roman Empire
Virgil number of Punic Wars
Alps type of government where the leader is not a monarch and some of the people can vote
Smallfarmer He appointed his horse consul of Rome
Scipio The apostle responsible for spreading Christianity
PaxRomana The majority of the Roman people were members of this class
Colosseum The river that meant "the point of no return"
TheodosiustheGreat Made Christianity the official religion of Rome
Zealots Book written by Marcus Aurelius
March Island of contention at the beginning of the Punic Wars
Caligula Caesar was assassinated in this month
Concrete Author of the "History of Rome"
MarcusAurelius River that runs through Rome
Tiber Jewish group that advocated the overthrow of Roman rule
BattleofZama The most significant building in Rome
Sicily mountain range in the norther part of Italy
Hannibal They had the greatest impact on Rome
Plebeians Backbone of Roman architecture

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