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Introduction to Post WWI America

Mr. Citarella

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woolworths Model T's expensive companion
isolationism small parts of a larger whole payment
Hoover McCumber
nativism Majority
cloverleaf _____ gang of the president
Lindbergh (Macy's, JCPenny, Sears, Lord and Taylor) Stores
efficiency A dam, a man, a president
Ohio The first underwater tunnel
temple the black energy source that predated oil
Quota A famous highway where one can, "Get your kicks"
Coolidge the spread of cities
language the largest group of immigrants in 1921
Detroit First L. of J.L.L.; and Iowan
Kellogg state of Sacco and Vanzetti
communism New Jersey man famous for his transatlantic flights
Department removal from all foreign affairs
capitalism point at which no further agreement seems possible
Ellis Opposed Roman Catholics, Jews, African Americans and most foreigners
sprawl favoring native-born people
transatlantic the abscense of government
elephant Marx's lesser known fellow theorist
surpluses making more with less
Holland one of many roadblocks unions faced
default taxes on imports
hughs This standard soared during most of the 20's
arrest a famous cure for halitosis from 1923
Engles Harding's hope for the future
anarchy Home of the Teapot
normalcy A numerical benchmark
Living GOP Animal
listerine this time grew with the efficiency of appliances in the 20's
Lockheed excessive amounts of a product
Llewellyn Woodbridge's famous first
installments Economic opposity of communism
electricity Pan American Airlines launced the first flights of this kind
wallpaper characterized by government ownership of everything
coal proposed shrinking sea power
deadlock heart detention; killed Coolidge
Wyoming Governor of Massachhusetts in 1919
Fordney Island of entry
tariff to fail to pay a loan
cigarettes a factory, a place of worship
ModelA The first right on red
Bolsheviks helped move America away from gasoline power and oil lamps
Italians A penny or ten cent store
Route a common use for the inflated Mark
Massachusetts denounced war but lacked enforcement
KuKluxKlan person seeking money on a street corner
leisure Half of Lockheed-Martin today
mendicant were advertised as a safe alternative to sweets

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