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Oedipus the King, and the History of Ancient Greece

Magda Robak

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light The opening song of the chorus
hubris Chorus song (rotating left to right)
proskenion The translator of our version of the play
declamatory Hermes' son
sphinx Oedipus' wife
parados Someone who does someone else's bidding
pericles When Greek plays began (time of day)
thebes Roman Mercury (wore winged shoes)
fifteen The ruler of Athens during the Golden Age
polybus The gender not allowed to participate in Greek theatre
tiresias Supposedly in a conspiracy against Oedipus
dramatis The uncle/brother-in-law of Oedipus
pan Oedipus' alleged mother
personas The apostrophe at the end of scene 4
tyrannos ___________ personae (the list of characters in a play)
blindness Chorus song (rotating right to left)
strophe The art of divination
catharsis The translation of "Oedipus"
choragos He who told Oedipus of Polybus' death
epode Oedipus' grandfather
laius The creaure that terrorized Thebes before Oedipus
apostrophe Long, flowing, padded robe
female Son of Labdicus
epiphany Purging of emothions experienced at the end of a tragedy
hermes Approximate number of men in the chorus
king Sudden revelation
augury The small platform in front of the skene
civicduty The name for a monarch who inherited the throne
antistrophe Masks worn by actors
labdicus The opening of a play
jocasta Greek belief in moderation
polytheism The style of acting in ancient Greece
exodus The final scene
paulroche The city in which the play takes place
creon Group of men who interpreted the meaning of the play
messenger Being in the chorus was considered a _____ ____
goldenmean The name for a monarch who assumes the throne through heroic deeds
mountcithaeron Direct reference to an absent person or inanimate object
myrmidon The final stanza in some odes
chiton Belief in many gods
corinth The author of Oedipus the King
chorus Excessive pride
dawn So-called father of Oedipus
prologue The paradox in episode 1
dramaticirony "Son and husband to his mother"
merope When the audience knows information the characters are unaware of
sophocles Where Oedipus was found as a baby
oedipus The city of Merope and Polybus
swollenfoot Leader of the chorus

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