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The Native Peoples of Canada

Ms. Ravensbergen

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Jumps The diet of human groups and the ways in which people obtain food.
Sun Dance The study of human groupings and the interactions of human beings.
Totem Pole Because fuel is scarce in the Arctic, most foods were eaten this way.
Walrus This food was common to the Plains people for its nutrition and its portability.
Inuit The Northwest Coast nation living at the head of Howe Sound.
Subsistence This Native group was one of the only matrilineal societies in Canada.
Stereotype These were constructed by the Inuit and used as landmarks during the caribou hunt.
Dances Coast Salish had this type of kinship.
Iglus An organized way of describing the characteristics of a culture.
Inukshuk Iroquois towns were guarded by these.
Clan The Northwest Coast natives used these type of people for menial tasks.
Plateau Because the Iroquois made decisions based on the opinions of the majority, they can be considered Canada's first _________ society.
Squamish The staple crop of the Iroquois
Caribou The main wood used for housing and canoes among the Northwest Coast peoples.
Longhouse This animal was hunted by the Plateau.
Fraser Tells the story of a clans origins and deeds.
Raw During this season the Northwest Coast peoples lived in permanent villages.
Potlatch Inuit society was organized according to groups of people who did this activity together.
Council The gifts from this ceremony are payments to those who witness a family ceremony.
Kinship A famous Haida carver.
Patrilineal The discovery of this led to larger permanent villages for the Iroquois.
Hunting The tipi is a suitable shelter for groups of people who are _________ because it is easy to put up and take down.
Ethnography An Iroquois town was run by a _______ which consisted of chiefs from each family.
Seasonal Round Descent from generation to generation is reckoned through the male line only.
Anthropology To make generalizations about people.
Lower Mainland The Northwest Coast did this to the salmon to preserve it.
Pit House The Native group that resides in the Arctic.
Bison This type of housing is suitable for the cold dry climate of the interior of BC.
Domesticated This Native group was very concerned with status.
Tobacco A method of hunting buffalo.
Winter This boat was used by the Inuit for transporting groups of people.
Legend A plant or animal adapted for human use.
Palisades A Northwest Coast village that was home to at least a thousand people.
Bilateral One of the sea mammals hunted by the Inuit.
Tipi Another name for a buffalo.
Seal Participants in the Sundance sought these by subjecting themselves to pain and suffering.
Musqueam A dietary staple of the Plateau people during the fall.
Salmon The name of the river with the major salmon run for the Northwest Coast people.
Agriculture A valuable trade item for the Iroquois.
Corn A story that explains something about the world.
Myth This group was the least rigid in their social organization of the Northwest Coast groups.
Berries This group of Northwest Coast natives live on the Queen Charolette Islands.
Nomadic An extended Iroquois family would live in one of these.
Pemmican This Native group depended upon the bison for survival.
Visions Bison hides were used to make this type of shelter.
Slaves The Northwest Coast natives used these to commuicate the legends of different clans.
Cedar This Native group constructed pit houses.
Haida When a man and a woman marry, they go to live with the woman's exteneded family.
Democractic This animal's blubber provided energy and protein for the Inuit.
Matrilocal A story that describes the challenges and adventures of a heroic person.
Bill Reid The Inuit used these for walking on snow.
Dried How a person identifies his or her blood relatives.
Kayak The movement of the Northwest Coast peoples to different food sites.
Deer The area of BC with one of the densest pre-European population concentrations.
Northwest Coast Pemmican is made of bison, lard, and ________.
Umiak Inuit clothing is primarly made of this animal skin.
Plains A group of people who shared a name and descent from a common ancestor.
Coast Salish Domed snow houses.
Snowshoes Participants in this religious festival were not allowed food, drink, or rest.
Iroquois This boat was used by the Inuit for hunting.

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