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Middle Ages Crossword Puzzle

Brendan Hickey

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Usury The name type of government where small lords rule.
William If you did not believe in a churches ways your a (......).
Interdict (......) III raised churches authority in his time of being pope.
Scholasticism (......) the confessor, died without having a clear heir.
Apprentice A style of architecture known for its hight and flying buttresses.
Innocent The Muslim ruler who in 1187 gained rule in Jerusalem.
Augustine An (......) would be taken into the hands of a master worker.
Peter Saint (......) brought Christianity to England
Edward All hale king (......) the conquerer.
Vassal A grant of land was called a what?
Luis A (......) is money that was erned and invested
Abbot (......) II took power away from feudal lords and gave it to monarchy.
Common Saint (.....) brought Christianity to Ireland.
Shire In this order all churches in an area whould be closed.
Saladin (......) is another name for a peasant.
Simony A (......) is a "prince of the church".
Otto Traveling singers who wrote poems were called what?
Inquisition Saint (......) set rules that monks must follow.
Benedict The system of giving land to the oldest son is what?
Heretic (......) is a way to bring together religion and reasons.
Primogeniture (......) I, king of Germaney was crowned king of Holy land by Pope.
Joan The head monk in a monestary is a what?
Serf A six letter word for buying your way into the chuch.
Gothic The advisers are called the (......)
Cardinal (......) wrote the book "Sic et Non.
Eleanor The person who recieves a grant of land is a what?
Curia A military journey to regain holy land is a (......).
Manorialism A ten letter word for a paid worker working for a master.
Abbess (......) of Arc led france to win the Hundreds Year War.
Capital (......) was based upon customs and judges not recorded codes.
Crusades A ceremoney preformed to gain gods direct favor.
Journeyman A quest to find all heretics is a (......).
Alfred A six letter word for a convents leader.
Henry (......) the great, drove out Danes from England by 886.
Troubadours A Anglo-Saxon governmental district is a what?
Fief Nights have to obey the rules of (......)
Patrick The type of government centered around a manor is a what?
Sacrament (....) XI, the French king who united France and took power from feudal lords.
Feudalism Charging intrest on loans is a what?
Chivalry (......) of Aquitain married King Henry the

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