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Middle Ages


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Franks another name for a land grant
monastery Law of the Church.
peasant epic poem about a battle between Charlemagne's knights and muslim invaders
MANORSYSTEM The three masters of a knight were his Feudal Lord, God and his...
Parliament traveling poet-musicians
TOURNAMENTS one of two inventions from Asia that changed the technology of warfare in Western Europe
treatyofverdun at the age of 21 of person of this status gained experience in local wars and tournaments
stirrups Worldly.
commercialrevolution this event during the Middle Ages contributed the most to trading and cultural diffusion
journeymen A Frankish ruler who built a huge empire and unified Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire
Pope The style of architecture intended to achieve better lighting through the use of large stain glass windows and high narrow arches.
knight Christian religious communities in which member devote their lives to God
chosenlady 3 years experience, subcontracted himself out to other masters
COMMONLAW head of the Catholic Church
Vassals church tax, 1/10 of income
crusades Religious ceremonies that led to achieving salvation were called
CODEofCHIVALRY The bishops and priest who the pope in Rome had authority over were called the…
secular The main goal of this was to recover Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslim Turks
Church a set of ideals on how to act
MiddleAges guarranteed trial by grand jury
Feudalism period of European history from 500 to 1500
SongofRoland system of exchanging land for service
guild The legislative body of Medieval England
Holyromanempire The expansion of trade and changes in business practices
crusades Germanic people who held power in the Roman province called Gaul
fief process by which a cultural trait, material object, idea, or behavior pattern is spread from one society to another
Charlemagne Returning Crusaders brought more goods, spices, textiles, to Europe. This is known as...
excommunication This was the act of taking a person’s right to membership in the Church
magnacarta young new worker, ran errands and did chores
manor Dynasty of Frankish rulers, lasting from 751 to 987
TROUBADORS mock battles that combined recreation and combat training
ELEANORofAQUITAINE Most celebrated woman of the Middle Ages
Romanesquestyle people who receive fiefs
sacraments guaranteed certain basic political rights
clergy another name for North-men
culturaldiffusion An organization working to get the best prices or working conditions
apprentice The style of Architecture with round arches and darker simplistic interiors
layinvesture the medieval economic system
GothicStyle The German-Italian Empire later became known as
CULTURALDIFFUSION This institution offered unity, security, and a social life for peasants of the Middle Ages
Vikings The practice of the appointment of church officials by kings and nobles was called…
tithe Charlemagne’s empire was divided into kingdoms among his 3 grandsons
CanonLaw a Lord's estate

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